Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Below you will find some useful information about Year 1.
Here are the staff who work in your classroom:
Class Teacher: Miss Cowie
Teaching Assistants: Miss Witcomb
Our Daily Routines
Your start time is 8:45am via KS1 cloakroom, through the KS1 playground. Doors will open at 8:40am daily.
Your finish time is 3:15m via Year 1, so please wait near the Year 1 gates. Once your child has been collected, please keep the gate clear, so children can be safely dismissed.
Key PE Information
This term we will be doing 2 PE sessions a week. They will be on a Wednesday and Thursday.
Your kit should consist of a house coloured t-shirt, black shorts or joggers and pumps or trainers. You can also wear a black hoodie or jumper to keep you warm outdoors. PE kits can be brought in, in a named PE bag, and be kept in school for the half-term.
Key Forest School Information
Forest School will continue in the Spring term.
Homework Expectations
Every child will be sent home with 2 new RWI books weekly. Books will be given out on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. Alongside the books, children will have a reading diary. Please sign or comment in their reading diary when they have read their books. We currently have a whole school reading initiative where children can win prizes every time they complete a stamp card. Children will earn a stamp for every day they have signed in their reading diary.
If reading books are lost, there is a fee to cover replacement costs.
This term we expect children to be accessing Numbots every week. It is recommended that children complete 5 minutes a day to support themselves with fluency in mental maths.
We will give the children a certificate for completing each level, and we will be looking at the most improved each week, so that children can focus on their own progress and improvement. We will be giving out any available certificates on a Friday.
Other Useful Links to Support our Learning in Year 1
Phonics Bloom: