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Welcome to Hanbury's Farm School website. We hope that you enjoy looking at the different pages available and find it both interesting and informative. Hanbury's Farm Primary School is a single form entry school, which is situated in the Belgrave area of Tamworth in Staffordshire. We are part of a Federation, which comprises two primary schools in Tamworth.  Our federated school is called Oakhill Primary school, which is less than 2 miles away. 

There are many wonderful things about our school, such as our community of pupils, parents and staff, our spacious school grounds, with a developing forest school area and orchard, refurbished classrooms across the school and large playgrounds for each key stage. 

We offer a wraparound provision, called our Tractor club and this is available from 7:30am until 5:30pm daily.  We also have an onsite nursery provision which caters for 3 to 4-year-olds.  

There is so much I could write about our school, but I hope for now, you enjoy perusing our school website.  If, however, you do still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs L Wright, the office manager, on 01827 214005 or email the school office on

Mrs Nicola Gripton
Executive Headteacher