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Late/Absence Procedures

Pupil absences

The school office is open from 8:30am but in the event that no-one answers the phone, you can leave a voicemail and this will be picked up. You can also email your child's absence to

Pupils should attend school at all times. However, pupils sometimes cannot attend due to illness or any other circumstances. If your child cannot attend school for any reason, you MUST contact the school office immediately to inform us. We have a duty of care to know where our pupils are. You, as a parent, have a duty of responsibility to inform school about your child's absence.

Once registration has been taken in class, the school office will check through each class register to see who is missing, If by 9:30am we haven't heard from you about your child, you will receive a safe and well text or phone call to ask why your child isn't in school.


KS1 and KS2 doors open at 8:40am and will close promptly at 8:45am. If your child misses the door or is running late, they MUST enter school via the school office so they can be accounted for. If you know your child is going to be late, please contact the office to inform us.  

Any pupils arriving after 8:45am but before 9:00am will receive a late mark.

If a pupil arrives after 9:00am it will be marked on the register as an unauthorised morning session absence.

Please ensure your child is in school everyday and on time.

You can refer to our school attendance policy regarding absences and lates.